Comparison of models

srovnání měst a městských částí / srovnání budov

ExpositionSensitivityEmissionPreparednessB-EX1 - Flood risk 1 number (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 2 number (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EX1 - Flood risk 1 number (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 2 number (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EX1B-EX2 - Threat to technical infrastructure from floods 34 Body (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 17 Body (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EX2 - Threat to technical infrastructure from floods 34 Body (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 17 Body (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EX2B-EX3 - Threat to the building by extreme meteorological phenomena 10 Body (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 10 Body (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EX3 - Threat to the building by extreme meteorological phenomena 10 Body (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 10 Body (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EX3B-EX4 - The difference between the average annual air temperature in the observed year and the long-term average 1.36 °C (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 1 °C (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EX4 - The difference between the average annual air temperature in the observed year and the long-term average 1.36 °C (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 1 °C (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EX4B-AD1 - Thermal protection of perimeter walls 0 mm (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 200 mm (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD1 - Thermal protection of perimeter walls 0 mm (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 200 mm (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD1B-AD2 - Thermal roof protection 0 mm (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 200 mm (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD2 - Thermal roof protection 0 mm (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 200 mm (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD2B-AD3 - Transparent constructions 3.14 Point score (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 3.26 Point score (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD3 - Transparent constructions 3.14 Point score (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 3.26 Point score (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD3B-AD4 - Shielding structures and shielding by structures 2.56 Point score (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 0.94 Point score (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD4 - Shielding structures and shielding by structures 2.56 Point score (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 0.94 Point score (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD4B-AD5 - Shading by structures and greenery 0 % (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 20 % (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD5 - Shading by structures and greenery 0 % (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 20 % (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD5B-AD6 - Vegetation and gravel roofs 0 Body (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 4 Body (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD6 - Vegetation and gravel roofs 0 Body (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 4 Body (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD6B-AD7 - Colour version 2 Point score (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 2 Point score (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD7 - Colour version 2 Point score (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 2 Point score (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD7B-AD8 - Cooling equipment 3 Point score (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 1.5 Point score (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD8 - Cooling equipment 3 Point score (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 1.5 Point score (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD8B-AD9 - Ventilation equipment 3 Point score (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 1 Point score (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD9 - Ventilation equipment 3 Point score (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 1 Point score (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD9B-AD10 - Capacity of the building to accumulate rainwater 0 % (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 100 % (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD10 - Capacity of the building to accumulate rainwater 0 % (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 100 % (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-AD10B-GOV1 - Technical security of the buildings against floods and torrential rains 10 Points (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019)B-GOV1 - Technical security of the buildings against floods and torrential rains 10 Points (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019)B-GOV1B-GOV2 - Retention of rainwater around the building 0.6 coefficient (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019)B-GOV2 - Retention of rainwater around the building 0.6 coefficient (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019)B-GOV2B-GOV3 - Rainwater capture on the building 0 coefficient (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 0.6 coefficient (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-GOV3 - Rainwater capture on the building 0 coefficient (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 0.6 coefficient (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-GOV3B-GOV4 - Ensuring prevention against natural events 4 Points (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019)B-GOV4 - Ensuring prevention against natural events 4 Points (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019)B-GOV4B-EMI12 - Heat consumption in building 239.453 kg CO2e/obyv. (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 0.484666 kg CO2e/obyv. (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EMI12 - Heat consumption in building 239.453 kg CO2e/obyv. (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 0.484666 kg CO2e/obyv. (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EMI12B-EMI3 - Electricity consumption in the building 22.6911 kg CO2e/obyv. (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 1.29648 kg CO2e/obyv. (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EMI3 - Electricity consumption in the building 22.6911 kg CO2e/obyv. (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 1.29648 kg CO2e/obyv. (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EMI3B-EMI4 - Electricity generation/production in the building 0 kg CO2e/obyv. (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 5.70667 kg CO2e/obyv. (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EMI4 - Electricity generation/production in the building 0 kg CO2e/obyv. (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 5.70667 kg CO2e/obyv. (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EMI4B-EMI5 - Mixed municipal waste production in the building 1.70067 kg CO2e/obyv. (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 389.95 kg CO2e/obyv. (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EMI5 - Mixed municipal waste production in the building 1.70067 kg CO2e/obyv. (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 389.95 kg CO2e/obyv. (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EMI5B-EMI6 - Wastewater production in the building 5.96667 kg CO2e/obyv. (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 31.325 kg CO2e/obyv. (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EMI6 - Wastewater production in the building 5.96667 kg CO2e/obyv. (MŠ Kolískova Bratislava 2019) 31.325 kg CO2e/obyv. (WEST HOUSE RESIDENCE 2022)B-EMI6EXP +15%ExpositionAD -48%Sensitivity and capacityGOV +5%PreparednessMIT +12%Emission-4%Celkem

Comparison of labels

This label visually shows the difference between the rating of each area and the sub-indicators of the two selected models.

Changes for the better are coloured yellow-green and green, for the worse, orange and red. The final overall score is shown by a line indicating the Climate scan value.

When you point the cursor over the sub-indicator, the name of the indicator and the values of the compared models appear in the description. The bottom bar graph shows all indicators, including their values side by side.

(estimation)(measurement, calculation)(estimation)(measurement, calculation)


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